Friday, June 6, 2008

Let's get it started in here... Hey, wait a minute...

Ok, Ok. I saved this blog name a year ago with the intention of writing about my adventures as a Sales Associate in the Real Estate business.

I figured it'd be fun to write some humorous posts about the wacky things we come in contact with all the time. Kind of like a million other blogs out there, right? But after being in the business for almost a year now I've really contacted some wackiness. So, my new mission is to cast light on some of the... let's just say... more "interesting" aspects of this business.

Like, for example, the obsession with Blogging and Social Networking and how it's the new way to riches in Real Estate sales. I've probably asked more than a couple hundred people if they have ever read a Real Estate Blog. Well, you already know the answer to that. The only people who seem interested in Real Estate Blogs are the bloggers themselves (I see the irony here).

Don't go all postal about how it's the new medium for communication and I don’t get it... blah, blah, blah. I can drive, drink coffee, smoke, talk on my Bluetooth, answer email, and Twitter all at the same time with the best of you.

Oh... did I mention I don't even have to look at my Crackberry when I type?

So now that you get the idea of what's going on here at DirtPimp let's move on.

Great name huh... DirtPimp, ha ha, Get it?

But wait... what if DirtPimp gets really big? I'll probably need my own domain. Alas, DirtPimp is already taken by some monster truck hillbilly enthusiast. Never fear... let's try some other combo's...

It's right about here that I come across this:

Thank you Lord... I didn't even have to try on my first day.


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